Switzerland is a very famous country all over the world for the very high quality and precision of its watches production.

E-Chronos name wanted to remember from where we’re coming, Cronos was the personification of time in Greek mythology

It’s the first time that a crew of high level Swiss engineers are designing something extremely new in the sector of the industrial controls and telecommunication. Thanks to a mix of them together to a big experienced people coming from France, Italy and Germany, was possible to create a work team with a lot of new ideas to improve the Radio Remote Control philosophy.

When we think to Radio Controls producers, we always think to the same companies existing for a long time. Something is slowly but surely changing from now, E-Chronos is another brand new way and idea to say Radio Remote Controls.

  • 1. Customer Application Request

  • 2. Application Engineering Developpement

  • 3. Feasability Study

  • 4. Offer

  • 5. Radio Application Design

  • 6. Customer Validation

  • 7. Prototype Production

  • 8. Installation

  • 9. Maintenance